Saturday, February 7, 2015

Woman's Home Companion, February 1937

I came across this issue during my recent purge/reorganize.  I found it at a garage sale about 12 years ago.  Hang onto your hats, this one is image intense.

Perhaps you don't perspire in winter -- but stink.

Take your precious son!  I can't stand the infernal whining any further!  Helen, you idiot, it's because you have sandpaper hands!

Toot, toot, toot.

I think Sue disagrees.

Little did Ben know, his date longed to talk about "the carnival" as well, and even considered "going to her first carnival" with him.

 Sorry, lower part of the "S" and exclamation point.  No shadow for you.

When you get in a "menu-rut", totally freak them out with this crap.

In the afternoon, Martin worked; Jane listened to him whistling.  That incessant whistling.  When would it stop.  Oh, it would stop, she thought as she reached for her knitting needle. It would stop.

Have you an Escape?  I think the maid is thinking of one right now.  Is that a knife in her hand?

Seems like everyone was trying to keep up with or at least "live beautifully" as the Jones'.  This woman is told to "go powder your nose"by her husband and called an idiot by her friend.  Yet, with Swans Down flour, all is forgiven.

I'll get you, you little snitch!

How does Jane keep her aluminum so shiny?  She throws them out and buys a new set for every meal.  Why can't we live as beautifully as her?

And on the flip side, double-quick broiling introduces gas.  It's a vicious cycle.

You do NOT want to know what the other pleasures of 1937 were.

I don't think Mother forgot the Drano.  She's been spiking Jimmy's milk with it bringing about wild hallucinations.

If you're not familiar with the Dionne quintuplets, they were born in 1934 in Canada and were the first quintuplets known to survive birth.  They were taken away from their parents and made "wards of the King" and put on display for tourists. In 1943, their parents won back custody.  Two of the quintuplets are still alive.  These ads below (grouped together from the magazine) demonstrate what a phenomena they were.

Bing...Your mother.  Woof!

Little did she know, 70 years later a backside such as that would be celebrated by the likes of Jennifer Lopez and the Kardashians.

Did I say "Jones'" earlier?  I meant "Montegue's".

Some 1930's fashion

I'm just glad he's not "black-faced" in that last picture.

The use of the popular "Believe It or Not!" in this Oleomargarine ad is pretty clever.  If you've never read about the "Oleo Wars", it's a pretty interesting story of how the Dairy industry did everything they could to discourage people from using margarine.  I myself am a butter man, despite growing up on margarine. (which lead to memories of these bowls.)

I'm a fan of modern design, but it's hard to dislike this art deco bathroom.

14 kinds of vegetables, all mushy.

When did twisting the end of your mustache become a sign of deviousness, anyway?

I'm sure grandma appreciates the squalling kid in her ear.

"They taste just as good as they look".  Okay, I guess I won't be having any then.

Another uncomfortable ad

She will when she invites the Montegue's over for cheese and crackers and discovers she's completely out.  Where's the strap?

That's a great idea for a measuring spoon.  I've never seen one over the years of sales.

A few of these ads deserve an up-close look.

This is just plain disturbing.

I wonder who won.  "Vic and Sade" was  radio show from 1932 to 1944, a fairly long run, I'm surprised I've heard of them.  I'm betting "Sade" pronounced it "Sadie" and not like the singer.


  1. Holy sh*% - what a magazine. The racism and sexism alone are mind boggling. Funny that society thinks that today we are obsessed with being thin - look at that ad for 1930 high fashion -" youthful details for those who aren't so slim". All those picture show skinny gals (so much for the healthy curves of the past myth).

    1. Good catch and good point, Lady M. Yes, the '20's (and apparently the '30's too) were all about that svelte look. That must have fell out of favor during the war years and didn't return until the late '60's with Twiggy.
