Saturday, October 24, 2015

Every Day a Halloween Surprise

From 1956 comes The Wonder-Wonder series (so nice, they named it twice) publication of "Every Day a Surprise" whose stories, based upon the cover, appear to involve a bulldog's explosive flatulence.

Inside are the adventures of "Twinkle" and "Don".  Gone are those boring "Dick" and "Jane" kids.


  1. That flatulent bulldog is very funny!

    1. The look on his face and the fleeing animals puts it over the top.

  2. LOVE the farting bulldog. it's funny to look at stuff like this from today's helicopter parenting mindset... i mean, how old are these kids supposed to be, and they have access to candles and ways to light them? (at least, they SEEM to)

    also, who in their right mind would name their child TWINKLE? this whole thing screams negligent parents to me.

    1. >and they have access to candles and ways to light them?
      And that Jack O' Lantern sure didn't carve itself!
