Sunday, October 25, 2015

Monster Vitamins

Let's face it.  After a long night of terrifying children, monsters need to replenish their iron.  What better way than to take Monster Vitamins Plus Iron...and save 20 cents to boot!

Remember, don't embarrass your grocer by asking him to redeem coupons without making the required purchase.  Sure, he looks the other way when you eat the grapes, but he's not a crook!

In case the 20 cent coupon didn't win you over, there was a flexi-record free with purchase too.

Image courtesy

Our friend Todd over at Neato Cool...I mean Neato Ghoulville did a nice write-up on these a few years ago.

Why not visit Todd and all of the other boils and ghouls over at the great Countdown to Halloween! Just click on the kitty below.


  1. Thanks for the mention and thanks for posting that very neato cool MV coupon ad!

    1. You're welcome, Todd. Always enjoy your blog.
