Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Charlie Brown Christmas Record

Christmas isn't complete without a viewing of the classic "A Charlie Brown Christmas" now in it's 50th year of broadcast. Before the days of VHS, much less DVD, you saw it once a year and if you missed it, you were out of luck.  Read-along books filled the long gap between Christmases with this book and record.

Image courtesy Pinterest
Unfortunately, I only found the record which you can listen to below.  But really, you know what Charlie and the gang look like.  Use your imaginations! Good grief!

Side 1

Side 2


  1. speaking of charles schultz, i heard a really interesting, eye-opening (for me) podcast about him on Studio 360 a couple weeks back, and i've been meaning to point it out to you. i had no idea what a deeply-issued, depressive guy he was. makes all his work take on a slightly different light for me, for sure.

    1. Have you ever read his biography by David Michaelis? You'll never read a Peanuts strip the same way again. I'll definitely check out that podcast.

    2. Now you guys have me wondering what I'm missing. I will have to check out the podcast.

  2. no, i haven't read it, but that's who the podcast interview is with! yeah, definitely an eye-opener.

  3. I had this record! I remember the "bings" when you had to turn the page (as if you needed help with that). ... I'm pretty sure the audio for this was an abridged version of the TV special.

  4. I had this record! I remember the "bings" when you had to turn the page (as if you needed help with that). ... I'm pretty sure the audio for this was an abridged version of the TV special.

    1. Yeah, some of it definitely from the original special while other parts sound like they were re-recorded.
