Saturday, July 16, 2016

A Long Time Ago...

A Long Time Ago, in a decade far, far away...

This Colorforms "Star Snoopy" set begs the question, "Why didn't George Lucas sue Charles Schulz?" Granted, everyone had gone Star Wars crazy in 1977, but with elements like light sabers, land speeders, Death Stars, Storm Trooper helmets, X-Wing Fighters and barely disguised R2D2 and C3PO knockoffs, it looks like an open and shut case.

Given the outright intellectual theft, I thought I'd recreate some scenes from "A New Hope", with some artistic licensing (and limited characters), of course.

Help me, Obi-wan Snoopy, you're my only hope.

R3D3, where are you going?! Well, I'm not going that way.

The Woodstocks capture R3D3

Charlie Skywalker discovers the bodies of his Uncle Linus and Aunt Patty.

These aren't the droids we're looking for...

 Peppermint Solo shoots first

Sure Charlie Skywalker, I can tell you what the Force is all about... Lights please...

Let the Beagle win

Your head's kind of round to be a Storm Trooper, isn't it?

I'm Charlie Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you.

Don't drop me, Sweet Babboo!

Darth Lucy vaporizes Obi-wan Snoopy

"I got one! I got one!"
"Don't get cocky, you blockhead!"

The Death Star is destroyed


  1. did you plan to post this during the Star Wars Celebration weekend? these are amazing. i don't remember them at all!

    1. >did you plan to post this during the Star Wars Celebration weekend?
      Ummm...YEAH! Definitely meant to do that!
      >i don't remember them at all!
      Me either. It was a surprising find.

  2. Classic interpretation. I loved Colorforms.

  3. Dude I had that colorforms!! Wish I still did, great post!

    1. Thanks, Bob. You were one lucky kid. I'd never even heard of this set before.

  4. Haha those recreations are perfect!

  5. Haha those recreations are perfect!
