Thursday, July 21, 2016

Oakhill Court

Today we visit another tourist destination via brochure.  This time it's Oakhill Court cabins and campground in Cassville, Missouri.  "Ideally located near Roaring River and Table Rock Lake".  I've never visited Oakhill, but Roaring River and Table Rock were both vacation destinations for my family when I was a kid.

Some close ups.

The ubiquitous Ozark Hillbilly.

I'm torn on the "No Vacancy" being on the cover of the brochure.  If you're choosing a spot to spend your vacation, browsing through this brochure, and you see "No Vacancy" in the picture, are you thinking, "Hey, popular place! I'll go there!" or "Looks like a busy place, we'll never get in."? Personally, I think having "Vacancy" on the brochure cover would be more welcoming and positive. Am I thinking too much about this?

I would love to browse the Hillbilly Gift Shop now.  I'll bet there were tons of rubber tomahawks, suction-cup-tipped bows and arrows and chicken feather headdresses along with plenty of Ozark Hillbilly humor.

When did shuffleboard stop being a thing in America?  I always see courts done in inlaid linoleum in the basements of homes I tour during estate sales.  C'mon, people, let's bring shuffleboard back as a competitive sport!

Based on the style of cars, I would put this brochure somewhere in the early to mid 1960's.

That's one red room.

Oakhill Court is still an operating business and still offers cabins and camping among the Ozark Knobs and Hollers.


  1. Looks like my kind of place. If it were my brochure, I'd get rid of the whole vacancy/no vacancy idea completely. However, I am in the group that sees it as "oh it's a cool, busy place, we must go there" when I see the no vacancy sign. I may change the red room color scheme... There were places like this all over the Poconos when I was growing up. I doubt there are any left now.

  2. Stayed at this place many times as a kid.
    Is this brochure for sale?

  3. My email address is
    I have a few pictures of this place from the 60's, 70's and 80's
    Touch base with me and I'll email copies if you'd like.

    1. Hi Greg, I'd love to see some pictures. And yes, I'm pretty sure I still have this brochure. I'll have to dig it up. If you share your pictures, I'll be glad to send you the brochure.
