Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Missouri - Family Vacation Land

One of my memories of family vacations back in the 1970's was of my father stopping at gas stations and getting a free map.  The station attendant would even highlight our route.

This map of Missouri dates from 1961 and touts the Show Me state as "Family Vacation Land".  It has some great graphics on it, plus a message from the governor.

The message from Governor John M. Dalton includes a welcome, along with a stern warning.

Some highlights from Governor Dalton's term included signing legislation requiring seat belts in all Missouri vehicles and creation of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways which I visit annually.  So, thanks Governor Dalton!

The previous owner higlighted their own trip around the state.  I'm not sure if this was cumulative or all in one shot.  I'm also not sure what the hyphenated route represented.  Perhaps a drive they planned to do? Notable is the absence of the current interstate highways.  When this map was printed, you could still get your kicks on Route 66.

1 comment:

  1. great graphics! maybe the dashed lines were optional routes they thought about doing if they had time.
