Tuesday, July 5, 2016

What was on TV June 26 through July 4th, 1975

As usual, a day late (if not a dollar short), I present the Bicentennial Issue of TV Guide.  At first glance, you might think, like I did, that this was from July of 1976,but it's from July of 1975, heralding in the Bicentennial year.  Not much to say on this one.  Just enjoy.

"Five years I've been picking these apples for her. Not once has she ever offered me one.  What does he have that I don't?  I'll tell you what: AN APPLE!"

I remember seeing the font used in that "Battle of the Worlds" ad many times growing up.  I believe it's "Data 70" font.  It's very close to, but slightly different than "Computer" font.

That's all for now. Tune in next time.


  1. i think apple picking lady's male friend is super jealous she is flirting with the hunky turk.

    1. Who can blame him. He's busting his back with a crate of apples and he glides up on his motorcycle and BAM! he's got an apple and her attention.

  2. Those cigarette ads are something else - everybody was smoking - even surfer dude!
