Friday, October 28, 2016

Hospitality Homes October, 1952

This issue of Hospitality Home published by Hot Point Appliances (and Anderson's Appliance Store) contains some "Hallowe'en Party Fun" along with helpful hints for the 1950's housewife (and husband!).


  1. I always look that happy when I'm at the dishwasher. ;-) btw, that cute little house is almost exactly the same floor plan as my next door neighbor's.

    1. I love mid century homes. It's one of the reasons I enjoy going to estate sales because most of them these days take place in one. I grew up in a very similar floor plan, but we didn't have a garage.

  2. Wow since buying new hot point dishwasher, I have time to make candles, do my nails and plan Halloween games! I hope the party guests are comfortable sharing spoons and marshmallows!

  3. i love the Bulletin Board household tips page -- these kinds of things are like catnip to me. i can't seem help reading them. sometimes they are actually good tips! but did they REALLY need to post a recipe for buttered rice? i mean, the ingredients are water, rice, salt, and butter. YOU CAN FIGURE IT OUT FROM THE NAME, i have faith in you, savvy 50s housewives!

    also, this reminded me that we really should look into radiator covers for our house. i worry that it would cut down on the efficiency of the radiators, though. what's an old-home owner to do??

    1. >also, this reminded me that we really should look into radiator covers >for our house.
      Would you believe that's what I was thinking when I scanned that? I remembered you mentioning your radiators.

    2. really? haha, i don't even remember ever mentioning it to you. that's how long i've idly thought about it, i guess. the thing is, i LIKE the way the radiators look -- they are gold and gorgeous -- but we could always use more horizontal space, and for some reason they are situated in front of the windows in every room. kind of a pain.
