Thursday, October 27, 2016

Scholastic Halloween

This October 1961 edition of "News Explorer" was published by Scholastic Books and is the standard flyer we all received in grade school plus some additional news and features.

For an October edition, the Halloween-themed books is a little light by my observation.

I have come across most of these books over the years. Just like today, they're pushing Christmas before Halloween is over.

To make up for the lack of spooky books in the flyer, here are some I found over the past year, Scholastic and otherwise.

This edition of "Strangely Enough" is a later reprint of the same book I posted here.

 The summary on the back of this book even references Halloween.  I may need to read this one next.

I've found the old Scholastic Books that are titled like the one below never have anything to do with an actual ghost. It's always a couple of crooks holed up in an old house.


  1. I still own "Champion Dog Prince Tom". I read it many times as a youngster.

  2. This edition of the Scholastic flyer predates me by over a decade, school-wise. But I remember being so thrilled to look through them, trying to decide what looked good and what I could actually afford to get. Fun times. And yeah, I'd read some of those books, too.

  3. don't knock it -- "a couple of crooks holed up in an old house" was the basis of many scooby doo episodes.

    1. And they would have gotten away with it too...
