Friday, December 30, 2016

Catching up with The Grossman's

Waaaaaay back in 2011, I posted these turn of the last century Christmas postcards. They were sent to various members of the Grossman family including Alma and Masters Edd and Harry.

Last week, I posted these same postcards to the St. Louis, Missouri History, Landmarks & Vintage Photos Facebook page. As it turns out, a Grossman belonged to the group and identified Alma as her Great Aunt, Harry as a Great Uncle and Edd (or Eddie) as her own grandfather.

After messaging her on Facebook, I was able to get her address and return the postcards to her family. She graciously posted some pictures of her family so we can finally put faces with the names.

Alma Grossman

Harry & Eddie Grossman (with friends)

The millinery where Alma worked.  Alma is seen on the far right with her co-workers.

Happy returns, Grossman family!

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