Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year, Be It 1913 or 2017.

2017. The number looks so foreign to me. The teens are almost over and I still haven't gotten use to the 2000 part.

This postcard is postmarked December 31st, 1913 from Murphysboro, Illinois and was sent by the parents of Charles Kepferer to his residence at 1117 N. 18th Street, St. Louis, Missouri.  I wonder if they were used to writing the 1900 part.

From the back:
Dear Son: Write and tell us if you got your Christmas box. I wish you a Happy New Year. Your Father and Mother.
I wonder if he got his box.


  1. I wonder whats in the Happy New Year here is to 2017

    1. Happy New Year to you, Bob. We'll never know what was in the box or if he got it.
