Tuesday, February 27, 2024

What was on TV February 27th through March 5th, 1982

This week's TV Guide is yet another example of that bothersome mailing label.  Sorry, Pamela Sue Martin.

 "'Humbug!' she yelled at the mayor of Los Angeles" and she still didn't get the role of Ebeneezer Scrooge in the city's production of "A Christmas Carol".

PlayCable was a subscriber videogame service introduced by Mattel in 1980 to market their games over cable.  While it was moderately successful, it ultimately died as a result of the videogame crash of 1983.

At first I thought it meant one series with Farrah Fawcett, Suzanne Somers and Valerie Harper. That would have been all kinds of awesome.

While I was rapidly approaching the end of my Saturday morning TV viewing, this Saturday lineup on ABC was stellar and I remember it well.  Meanwhile, channel 11 was running a Spider-man movie that had been stitched together from the 1970's TV series.

I can guarantee what I was watching on this particular Sunday afternoon: "The Ghost & Mr. Chicken".

Dick Clark's "TV's Censored Bloopers" (and later Practical Jokes) was a television powerhouse to contend with in the 80's and spawned many imitators.

"Police Squad" was of course the hilarious show inspired by movies such as "Airplane!"  It was canceled after 4 episodes (with 2 additional episodes shown during the summer hiatus).  ABC attributed it to its sophisticated humor, which sounds funny given most of it was sophomoric in nature, but is accurate.  It later spawned the successful Naked Gun movies.

In retrospect, "Street Life" was probably a poor choice for the name of Lynda Carter's show.

That's a pre-Kramer Michael Richards from "Fridays" in the upper right picture.

Virginia Slims had moved on from their humorous "olde tyme" anecdotes to models by 1982. There had always been a model in the ad, but the anecdote was now completely absent.


    Gee, CBS, what an imaginative title "The Spaceman in King Arthur's Court" is--So much better than Unidentified Flying Oddball, as it was called during its original theatrical release.

    The unfortunately short-lived Billy Crystal Comedy Hour airs its fifth and final episode tonight.

    A new SNL hosted by actress Elizabeth Ashley with musical guest Hall & Oates is preempted here for...a local telethon. Maybe not the best use of "Sweeps Month", guys.

    "Bob Hope's The Women I Love"--Given reports of Ol' Ski-Nose's vast number of mistresses and one-night-stands, I'm surprised this special is only two hours. Maybe a miniseries would be in order here. Yow!

    Starting tonight, WKRP is off the air for three weeks in a row. In its place here , we're offered a...Barnum & Bailey circus special. That "Grrr" you hear isn't
    from the tigers. Only six original episodes left.

    Sad bit of trivia concerning Police Squad!: John Belushi had already filmed one of the "Special Guest Star" cameos that ran during the opening credits for an upcoming episode. Hours after the premiere, he died of an overdose, and his appearance was scrapped.

    Very funny "Bosom Buddies" immediately afterward ("The Way Kip and Henry
    Were"). I loved this show when it originally ran, and think it was criminally underrated and rejected by a public that couldn't get past the (admittedly dopey) premise. Only three episodes left.

    Always enjoy and look forward to your TV Guide posts, Tom. Thanks!

    1. Thanks, Top Cat. Love your in depth analysis of this issue. You always pull out facts I've never heard before: John Belushi cameo on Police Squad??? I wonder if it exists anywhere.

      I wondered about that title too and when you mentioned it, I do remember Unidentified Flying Oddball being at the theaters.

      I loved Bosom Buddies. The show got better as the series progressed and they began leaning less upon the original premise for the humor.

    2. Oh, and glad you enjoy the TV Guide posts. They are a lot of work given the scanning, especially as we move into those thick-spined 80's editions. I'll try to get back on these.

  2. Great stuff! As much of it that I didn't read, I do miss the "classic" TV Guide.

  3. Hah - I wanted to say that I would totally trust the tobacco institute to give me "both sides" of the tobacco debate. I am intrigued by the official birds and flowers stamp series too.

    1. >I am intrigued by the official birds and flowers stamp series too.
      I always wanted to join those blank-of-the-month clubs. I recall wildlife cards, plants, etc. We would sometimes receive the first 10 cards in the mail as a promotional incentive. Of course, my parents never joined the clubs, so I got to know those 10 cards really well.

  4. I wonder if Sarah McGuire still lives on Meadowview in Columbia... < _ <

    That guy is far too excited about having to take some Alka-Seltzer!

    Man, they are REALLY pushing that "World War II Top Secret" show!

    It's funny that while I bet everyone remembers "Kramer vs. Kramer" and "Ordinary People," I bet nobody recalls that Selleck and Curtain vehicle, "Divorce Wars" -- despite the ad's assertion.

    Slim Whitman! All hail the man who saves Earth! (Ack-ack-ack!)

    The 1982 World's Fair in Knoxville! Quick, to the Simpsons clip finder! I need an GIF of Milhouse, Bart, and Nelson in blonde Dolly Parton wigs in the ruins of the Knoxville World's Fair, STAT!

    Of course, I too am a big ol' Bosom Buddies fan. It's a shame Tom Hanks rarely even acknowledges its existence. It was a great show.

    1. I know I replied to this. Something must have gone awry.
      >I wonder if Sarah McGuire still lives on Meadowview in Columbia.
      I can confirm she does not. I bought this and the majority of my TV Guide collection at her estate sale. I spent about 45 minutes cherry picking issues, focusing mainly on mid 70's to mid 80's. I ended up with quite a collection for a really good price.
      >I bet nobody recalls that Selleck and Curtain vehicle, "Divorce Wars"
      I know I didn't.
      > I need an GIF of Milhouse, Bart, and Nelson in blonde Dolly Parton wigs in the ruins of the Knoxville World's Fair, STAT!
      Every time I hear/see/read about the Knoxville World's Fair, I think of that episode. I just came across some 8mm footage of it.
      >Of course, I too am a big ol' Bosom Buddies fan.
      And you of course know I am as well.

    2. whenever i hear the word "Knoxville" i have to restrain myself from chanting "Knoxville! Knoxville! Knoxville!"

  5. Thank you for posting. Always love looking though. Sort of like a time capsule. And I wonder what I picked to watch way back when.

    1. You're welcome, Joe. Glad you enjoyed.
      >And I wonder what I picked to watch way back when.
      I do the same, particularly with Saturday mornings.
