Monday, February 26, 2024

Pirates of the Harried Being

You may have noticed a slight deluge of posts lately.  Okay, maybe "deluge" is a bit strong.  Let's say a slight swelling of posts.  The reason is, I've been going through my blog drafts; those posts I began writing and abandoned for one reason or another, usually because after I began writing them, I deemed them not interesting enough to post.  And hey, here's one of them!  By the way, I have no idea what that title means.  I wrote it way back in 2020 and probably just liked the way it sounded and the wordplay on "Pirates of the Caribbean". I'm not changing it.

I had a next door neighbor who was a few years younger than me when I was a kid.  He was probably only 4 years younger, but when you're 12 and he's 8, that's a lot. But he had a lot of cool toys, so I did spend some time visiting him just to get the chance to play with toys I didn't have. I've previously written about the Weebles Haunted House he had.

One day, I noticed he had a small pirate bank in his bedroom.
No, this isn't the exact one; I didn't steal it from him.  But it was one like this.  I preferred the skull and crossbones side to the pirate side, naturally.

I suggested we pretend we were pirates and put a treasure inside and "bury" it.  I don't recall what we put inside, but instead of taking it outside and burying in the yard like a normal kid, I suggested we crawl out his bedroom window onto the roof and hide it somewhere out there.

We had fun pretending to be pirates and climbing around on his roof, going in and out of the window, until his Dad who was outside saw us up on the roof.  He made me go get the treasure chest off the roof and go home.  I think not long after I was banned from seeing him entirely.  I guess I was a bad influence.

Anyway, I've picked up a few variations of the chest over the years including the one above.

They were made by the E. J. Kahn company of Chicago, Illinois.

I'm not sure if this one was repainted by the previous owner. I do see some gold paint showing from underneath.

This one didn't have an opening lid.  Probably a later model made to cutdown on costs.

These days, the treasures I keep in them are my razors (possibly the most expensive item I own these days, given the price of these things)...

...and some moon money my dad gave me along with my nail clippers. I hide nail clippers here because my kids steal them and I can never find a pair when I need them.

Here's an ad for the pirate bank along with a Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer bank which I've also had previously.

What banks did you have a child and what treasures did you keep in them?


  1. What a great place to hide the nail clippers from the kids! I can comment again as long as I sign in with my URL - happy day!

    1. Great news, Lady M. Glad to see your comments again.
