Friday, April 20, 2018

Snapshots in Time

I've been going through my backlog of items for quite a while now and just came across this photo album I picked up at least a year ago.

It's a collection of black and white snapshots of a couple's trip to New York and New Jersey around June of 1944.  I don't know their names, so let's just call them "Alice" and "Stan".

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Little Audrey -- Just the Ads

I occasionally pick up cheap comics at garage and estate sales. I never pay more than $1 for them and typically they're worth less than that.  But there's something about looking through an old comic that takes you back to your childhood.  I'm talking about the ads.

First up is Little Audrey, May 1971 issue.  Someone has noted this issue contains a "Biblical Story", perhaps justifying it for reading by their children.

Friday, April 6, 2018

How to Have a Prettier Room!

Hey, it's time for another sporadic post!

It's Spring (though you wouldn't know it here in St. Louis where we're expected to get hit with more snow this weekend), a time of rejuvenation for nature as well as in your home.  This pamphlet courtesy of the fine folks at Johnson Wax will guide you in the prettification of your home with such hints as "Hide a steam pipe under fake ivy" and "Make a wonderful wastebasket"!