Saturday, April 7, 2018

Little Audrey -- Just the Ads

I occasionally pick up cheap comics at garage and estate sales. I never pay more than $1 for them and typically they're worth less than that.  But there's something about looking through an old comic that takes you back to your childhood.  I'm talking about the ads.

First up is Little Audrey, May 1971 issue.  Someone has noted this issue contains a "Biblical Story", perhaps justifying it for reading by their children.

You can still get "Slo-pokes" and "Black Cows", but alas, no longer on a stick. And don't get me started on Milk Duds. Somebody in upper management said, "These things are too hard to chew" and changed the recipe ruining my Milk Dud experience.

Let's get a closer look at the 100 Groovy Fan Photos you could choose from.  It's 1971 and you have $1 to blow. Who do you pick?

Imagine the dismay of the young fan who ordered #18 and instead of receiving a photo of Page, Plant, Bonham and Jones instead received a photo of the tribute band "Led Zeplin".

I think I've discussed these before, but the "Monster s-i-z-e Monsters" are actually posters.

Next up is Little Audrey October 1971 issue.

This ad appears to be the same as the May issue, but there are a few changes.

The free admission to Palisades Amusement park isn't much of a deal here. The park closed in September 1971. Which is odd because they apparently build "Casper's Ghostland" "all new". I found some pictures of the "Casper's Ghostland" ride, but couldn't find "Wendy's Cups & Saucers".

Apparently, the Casper that sat atop the ride was saved when it was demolished and now resides in a bar in New Jersey

Some of these definitely deserve a close up.

I love the look of horror on the dog's face.

The picture here says more "I'm choking on a marble
 than "I'm chewing Hot Pepper Gum".

And this picture says more "Oh my God, I've been poisoned" than "Bleck, onion gum."

Great for little voyeurs.

Honest, I'm looking at my hand.

I had an unnatural fear of "Joy Buzzers" when I was a kid, and it was probably due to ads like this one.  The were wind-up and buzzed mildly when the button on top was pressed.  But I was convinced it really sent a jolt of electricity through you. My best friend in second grade chased me screaming around his house with one until his mom made him stop (after about 5 minutes).

This was another ad I wholeheartedly believed. I thought there was a device that allowed you to throw your voice within a 25 foot range and thought it was be the coolest thing. It didn't help that this belief was re-enforced by cartoons. It had to be true!

And finally, our last ad. This one for a promotion to get a Kennedy half-dollar back with 3 proof of purchases from Hi-C punch and your vote for your favorite flavor. Not a bad deal considering the cost of Hi-C in 1971 probably wasn't more than 50 cents a can, so it was like getting one free.


  1. I always wanted those Revolutionary War sets! I finally saved up the money as a child mom ordered them and they where so tiny major disappointment.

    1. My mom never let me order anything out of comics. I had older brothers that had ruined it for me. Fellow blogger Kirk Demarais over at Secret Fun Blog ( wrote a book "Mail Order Mysteries" that looks at the ad and the truth behind it. He covered those soldiers as well.
