Friday, April 6, 2018

How to Have a Prettier Room!

Hey, it's time for another sporadic post!

It's Spring (though you wouldn't know it here in St. Louis where we're expected to get hit with more snow this weekend), a time of rejuvenation for nature as well as in your home.  This pamphlet courtesy of the fine folks at Johnson Wax will guide you in the prettification of your home with such hints as "Hide a steam pipe under fake ivy" and "Make a wonderful wastebasket"!


  1. HEEYYYYYYY, i remember you! ; )

    i love thrifty, crafty DIY stuff like this. some of these ideas are classic, and still good today (case in point, i've spent the past, oh, two years working on refinishing an old sewing machine table to make it less unsightly, COUGH...). and what college student doesn't have trusty cinderblock shelves?

    jeez, remember when potato chips used to come in CANS? hard to imagine companies going to that expense today.

    1. >HEEYYYYYYY, i remember you!
      Glad somebody does.
      >jeez, remember when potato chips used to come in CANS?
      I do remember "Charle's Chips" which they even delivered to your home. Too pricey for my family. We ate Sally So Good chips.

  2. Where's the room for the gothic type??

    1. I don't think Goth's wax their floors. Probably not Johnson's target audience.

  3. WTF - I don't think I can get through it is so sexist - the prehistoric female arranging skins around the cave for a better effect. What kind of BS is that??

    1. The kind brought to you by the fine folks at Johnson Wax.
