Thursday, October 31, 2019

Mighty Men & Monster Making

While this Tomy "Mighty Men & Monster Maker" drawing set came out in 1978 and should have been right in my wheelhouse, I somehow missed it and my vague memories of the commercial place it in the early '80's when it wouldn't have been on my wish list, having migrated to the Atari 2600 and handheld electronic games.

The kit includes 6 head plates, 6 torso plates and 6 leg plates (most plates are reversable) with various embossed images that can be combined to create your own Mighty Man or Monster.

After choosing your combination, you place the pieces in the mounting tray.

Place a piece of paper over it and close the frame.


Using this crayon holder, you rub over the paper leaving tracings of the image beneath.

While I didn't have this as a kid, I did have some fun as an adult making my own Mighty Men and Monsters.

The art on the plates looked familiar to me, but I couldn't quite place it. I read online (and Matthew in the comments also reminded me) it was done by the late, great Rocketeer creator Dave Stevens.


  1. I would enjoy something like that as a kid. Never heard of it. Your rubbings are very good.

  2. I know I used one once, but don't think I ever had it myself. Happy Halloween!

  3. i remember this! i don't remember who had one -- it wasn't me -- but i do remember spending a lot of time making and coloring them. what a great find. any idea who designed the character pieces? i wonder if it was some known comic artist. the style is great.

    1. Looks like I was lax in answering this. It was Dave Stevens of Rocketeer fame.

  4. Man, do you know how hard it is to find one of these with all the pieces? What a find! I've been searching high & low on ebay & every time I bid on one, some one comes in and snipes me at the last minute.

    FYI, the artist was Dave Stevens, the same artist who drew The Rocketeer graphic novels:

    1. Thanks for reminding me. I knew that and wanted it mention. I'll update the post.

  5. I remember this bad boy! I spent hours playing and creating
