Thursday, October 31, 2019

Deck the Halls with Bowels of Ghoulies

Well, the big night is here, or "the big dance" as we in the know call it. Okay, nobody calls it that.

I hope you've enjoyed the past 31 days of Stranger Finds.  I leave you with Halloween wishes for a magical night along with some pictures of my decorations this year featuring all of my Halloween finds.  I wasn't able to get outside pictures this year due to the weather (rain, high winds, rain, freezing temperatures, rain).

I inherited some family photos of distant relatives (not direct blood), so I use those for decoration at Halloween. I hope they don't mind...

As you can see, I didn't get a chance to employ any of the excellent suggestions for my failed mask restoration, so I just left it out.

Thanks again for joining me this and thanks for the comments, they're always appreciated.

And in case you haven't done so yet, head on over to the Countdown to Halloween.  They haven't turned their lights out yet and there's still some good candy to be got.


  1. Wow - what a collection Tom - I am drooling. I think your ancestors are smiling upon being remembered.

    1. Thanks, Lady M. Actually, nobody knew who they were until I did some research, so at least we now know who they are.

  2. So incredible, thanks for sharing! Happy Halloween! 🎃

  3. Pretty! I don't have a mantel anymore :(
    Enjoy the evening!

    1. Thanks, Pik-Cor. Hope you had a great Halloween!

  4. Just doing my usual catch-up of Countdown blog reading into November..

    Amazing set of faves are the skeleton and the owl! Hope you had an awesome Halloween!

    1. Thanks, Deadpan. They're like my children, I can't pick a favorite.

  5. What are those flat things called, that appear to be made from lots of small plastic shavings, melted together? You have the ghost, jack-o-lantern, and witch on your wall - 4th photo from the bottom. I've always loved those products. Crinkle Art? Melty Mats? :)

    1. Hey, Armpit. Thanks for stopping by! Collectors call them "Melted Plastic Popcorn". Their official name is "Glitter Plaques" and they were made by the Kage company of Manchester, Connecticut.
