Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know what you're thinking: "You disappear after Halloween and now you come crawling back with a measly Thanksgiving offering of old newpaper ads."  And you'd be right.  These come from the ad "slicks" (I believe that is the term) I found several years ago.

 I hope you'll enjoy them and remember, save me the drumstick!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Halloween 2019 Post-Mortem

Well, another Halloween has come and gone.  From the outset on October 1st, Halloween seemed so far away and publishing a post a day seemed such a formidable task, but both happened nonetheless.

I always take a little time after the hectic posting schedule to review how my blog did throughout the month, and it's that time again.

I don't pay much attention to statistics, but they do provide a little insight.  The way I measure this blog's success is if I see new commenters, of which there were a few.  Joining the usual crowd this month was Guillaume from the UK, Matthew Schmeer from Kansas, Pik-Cor from Canada, Mason from parts unknown, and CraveCute from Minnesota. Thanks for stopping by all!

I had the most site hits since May of 2017, even beating last October by a nearly 2,000-hit margin.