Saturday, November 2, 2019

Halloween 2019 Post-Mortem

Well, another Halloween has come and gone.  From the outset on October 1st, Halloween seemed so far away and publishing a post a day seemed such a formidable task, but both happened nonetheless.

I always take a little time after the hectic posting schedule to review how my blog did throughout the month, and it's that time again.

I don't pay much attention to statistics, but they do provide a little insight.  The way I measure this blog's success is if I see new commenters, of which there were a few.  Joining the usual crowd this month was Guillaume from the UK, Matthew Schmeer from Kansas, Pik-Cor from Canada, Mason from parts unknown, and CraveCute from Minnesota. Thanks for stopping by all!

I had the most site hits since May of 2017, even beating last October by a nearly 2,000-hit margin.

The most popular post of the month was "You're So Vain, You Probably Think this Blog is About You".  It was boosted by another reader who shared it on their site.

The top-referring site continues to be Google showing my best chance of being discovered is still by accident. The 3rd from lowest referring site comes from my Facebook group page for the site, which makes me less than optimistic about continuing the effort there.  If you found me through Facebook, drop me a line and let me know.

The top-referring keyword for the month was "www.scholastic news spooky skeleton".  One thing that makes these statistics seem dubious to me is the low number of total Search Keywords that show up.  If my top number of common keyword referrals is 6, how did 690 people wind up finding me through Google?  I guess they could all be finding me by unique keyword strings which I guess gives testament to the variety of topics I cover on this blog.

And finally, let's take a look at how wide a reach my blog had this past month. As is probably expected, I scored highest in the United States.  I'm a little suspicious of the number of hits from Russia, I just assume those are fishing hits.  If someone from Russia is reading this, let me know.  Coming in 3rd is our neighbors to the north, Canada.

I ended up leaving 4 or 5 posts on the back burner for next year due to having more than enough content and some subjects that needed more research and time to fully develop as a post.  So stay tuned for next year.

October is my most blogged month and it tends to burn me out a little, so I always take a hiatus in November, though I'll try to get a few posts in.  I'm always optimistic for my December posts since I pick up a lot of vintage Christmas items as well, but December is always a hectic month as it is, so we'll see.  The first part of the year and the winter doldrums tend to send me into hibernation, but when late May comes along with garage sales, I will start to pick up again.  So check back occasionally and see what I'm up to.  And leave me a comment or two, I always read them and always try to respond in some way.

Have a great year and here's to next Halloween!


  1. Glad to hear you will be posting next Halloween! Always love your finds and posts.

    1. It always hinges on how many Halloween items I find, but I surprise myself year after year. I promise there will be something.

  2. happy dia de los muertos, tom! (i mean, since halloween is over)
    your halloween month continues to be awesome.

  3. I always find the stats interesting.

    1. Yeah, I look at them frequently, I just wonder if they reflect an accurate picture. A couple years ago I started get crazy amounts of hits from France. I'm no Jerry Lewis, so I suspected something was fishing my site. The interesting thing was the posts I listed in the right pane as "Most Popular Posts" were the ones whose hit counts were growing. After I removed that feature from my page, the hits stopped.

    2. well as you said, it's the russian ones i'd be concerned about more than the french ones. but i guess bot farms can be anywhere.

  4. Glad you had a good month! Always love coming to your blog!

    1. Thanks, Bob. I enjoyed your blog this Halloween as well.

  5. The Countdown to Halloween sent me here! That must help your totals, right?

    I wish I had numbers like yours, but then, my blog ( is all over the place and doesn't focus on one main topic.

    1. Hi Richard. Well like I said, I'm not sure how accurate the stats are. But I'll check out your blog, so count me among your numbers!
