Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know what you're thinking: "You disappear after Halloween and now you come crawling back with a measly Thanksgiving offering of old newpaper ads."  And you'd be right.  These come from the ad "slicks" (I believe that is the term) I found several years ago.

 I hope you'll enjoy them and remember, save me the drumstick!


  1. Good finds! Hope you and yours had a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. happy late thanksgiving! as a vegetarian, thanksgiving has long been just a so-so event for me, but i do love old ad slicks. the word "thanksgiving" in the upper right on that red one looks like it was one "rediscovered" and re-copywritten (copywrited?) by House Industries back in the 90s. I think they put it out as one of their "tiki" influenced typefaces. It also looks like one originally used by Disney for their tiki stuff.

    1. >as a vegetarian, thanksgiving has long been just a so-so event for me
      Well, there's always the green bean casserole.
      >the word "thanksgiving" in the upper right on that red one
      I didn't notice the font on that until you mentioned it. And now that you did, to me, with the leg on the "K" makes it looks like it says "Thanklsgiving".

    2. well, i'm more into mashed potatoes, but green bean casseroles are ok too.

      as for the typeface, this is the one i was thinking of (scroll down a bit to see an enlarged version on the black & white spec sheet), although this rebooted version looks less distressed than the one in your vintage ad slick:
