Sunday, October 18, 2020

And They Used Bon Ami

I'll admit this is another post with a tenuous connection to Halloween, but ask yourself this: How much are you paying for this?

"The Ghost and Mr. Chicken", Don Knotts' first movie foray post "The Andy Griffith Show", is a favorite of mine. I've watched almost annually since I was a kid back when one of our local stations would broadcast it once a year, normally on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon.  If you're not familiar with the movie, it concerns a wannabe newspaper reporter who is given his big chance for a front-page newspaper article by spending the night in a haunted "murder house". One of the main props in the movie is an organ that was said to have been played by the murderer whose blood stained hands left permanent prints on the keys.  Efforts to clean the keys were useless -- and they even used...

I will admit, this was the sole reason I bought this at an estate sale.  An inside joke only a select group would get.

Wait a minute... "Not recommended for silver or gold"?  That leads us into another holiday favorite...

Too soon?


  1. i love and swear by Bon Ami, but i've had a hard time finding it since the pandemic. i have no idea if there's a connection, but that's what i've noticed. i confess i have never liked Don Knotts, even on the Andy Griffith show. every time i see him, all i can think of is someone (him?) yelling "CITIZEN'S ARREST! CITIZEN'S ARREST!"

    1. Close, it was Gomer on Andy Griffith.

      Actually, I didn't really know him that well from Andy Griffith. I knew him more from the movies he made after.

  2. I am a Bon Ami fan - I have used it for years. Has not scratched yet! But I agree with FrankO - it is hard to find now. I watched the Ghost and Mr. Chicken many times and never picked up on the Bon Ami connection. But we always loved it as kids - the movie not the cleanser - so amusing.

  3. LOL - My wife just mentioned this line from The Ghost and Mr. Chicken yesterday!

    1. I'd say it's the most quotable line, but there are quite a few.

  4. quote: "Close, it was Gomer on Andy Griffith."

    that's right! dang, i should've googled it. btw, the "reply" button for in-line comments doesn't seem to be working for me on your site. not sure if it's me or what, but i can only reply by adding as a new comment. *shrug*

    1. Yeah, I've noticed that as well. If you wait long enough, "Reply" will become available. I've noticed the website spinning for a while before it will allow me to click "Reply".

    2. oh wow, you're right! took forever for the link to work, but it eventually does. crazy. thanks!

    3. Yeah, one of the "enhancements" with the new blogger. Not a fan.
