Saturday, October 17, 2020

Halloween Ads - Vignettes

 You didn't think I was out of ads, did you?  Today we look at some of the standalone Halloween vignettes you could add to your ad.

Not really Halloween-related, but kids playing with matches is scary, right? Especially when they're smiling evilly.

Um, SCW, Inc., Charles Schulz would like a word with you.

YAOW! That's all for now.  Why not head over to the Countdown and see what's rattling around in the other bloggers' attics.


  1. Yes those kids with the matches are something else! I, of course, like the skeleton, the owl with the moon, the cat and the bats, and the ghost at the top. I think the cartoony people are not very spooky.

    1. Yes, the early '70's was a definite transition time for commercial art, particularly Halloween art. It was moving from the realistic, eerie designs to the kid-friendly and cute designs.

  2. i too love that one with the bats and the cat, particularly the way the vertical lines also illustrate the forest in the distance. i don't know about you, but that's how we played with matches -- one after the other, smiling the whole time... until we got caught with them. :(

    1. When we were kids, my sister and I built a blanket "house" under a ping pong table and thought it would be cool to have a candle for light. We caught the rug on fire.

  3. yeah, i did the same thing, basically -- except i made a hobbit house out or several card tables and cardboard and blankets. of course hobbits need candlelight!
