Monday, September 26, 2022

Percolating Finds

 Okay, Summer is over and the Countdown to Halloween begins next week.  I need to clear out some cobwebs and when I say "cobwebs" I mean coffee pots.

For some reason, this past year produced a bumper crop of them.  I can't resist picking up percolators and other coffee makers, particularly when they're under $5.  I've kept some (okay quite a few), but I've also sold quite a few of them too; all to fund future purchases and to subsidize what I decide to keep.  These are in addition to the Jet O Matic coffee maker I bought last December.  And yes, many of these need a good polishing.

First up is this Mirro copper-colored aluminum coffee pot.  I've seen these attributed to the "Colorama" line, but I haven't found evidence of that.  Colorama was made by Weller Hostess-ware.  I'm not aware of a connection to Mirro.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

The Black Hole..That is This Blog

I know, it's been almost a month since my last post.  It feels like this summer has been sucked into a black hole. Hey! Look what I have for you.  As promised to Dex, the complete "The Black Hole" coloring book (mostly uncolored).  Full of line drawings and games and coming straight to you from 1979 and Walt Disney.  Enjoy!