Okay, Summer is over and the Countdown to Halloween begins next week. I need to clear out some cobwebs and when I say "cobwebs" I mean coffee pots.
For some reason, this past year produced a bumper crop of them. I can't resist picking up percolators and other coffee makers, particularly when they're under $5. I've kept some (okay quite a few), but I've also sold quite a few of them too; all to fund future purchases and to subsidize what I decide to keep. These are in addition to the Jet O Matic coffee maker I bought last December. And yes, many of these need a good polishing.
First up is this Mirro copper-colored aluminum coffee pot. I've seen these attributed to the "Colorama" line, but I haven't found evidence of that. Colorama was made by Weller Hostess-ware. I'm not aware of a connection to Mirro.