Monday, October 31, 2022

And To All, A Good Halloween Night

"And it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Halloween well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us!"

Thus another Halloween comes to an end.  

We had a usual number kids, somewhere in the neighborhood of 75 to 80.  It was a slow start with the first Trick or Treater not showing up until 7:00 (I'm used to them showing up starting at 5:30).  The last came about 8:30 with the biggest rush between 7 and 7:30.  As usual, I handed out full-sized candy bars plus a toy (skeletons, spiders, lizards, bugs, parachuting pumpkins, etc.)  They were a big hit with kids of all ages.

Thanks for joining me this month for the Countdown.  Let the sales begin for next year's Countdown, and stick around for the rest of year.


  1. Great photos! We had a slow start, too, and got about 30 altogether. Not great, but better than last year. Thanks for all the great posts. Happy Halloween!

  2. Man a full size bar plus a toy? I am sure the evil sprits (and eggs) were kept away by that

    1. Almost 30 years, and not an egg cracked yet. Thanks for dropping by, Billman!

  3. I buy my full-sized candy bars at Sam's. They work out to about 66 cents per bar.

  4. Wow the haunt looks fabulous. He does know how to keep Halloween well. I get my full size candy bars at Costco.

    1. Thanks, Lady M. It doesn't vary much, but I do rearrange the tombstones from year to year.

  5. I haven't had any trick-or treaters in close to two decades, but I always buy candy just in case.Oh, well--Guess I'll just have to suffer and down all those Kit-Kats and M&Ms myself. Yes, what an ordeal.Don't feel too sorry for me.

    I've yet to see this addressed elsewhere, but I was taken aback by the limited availability of the General Mills monster cereals this year. They were not in abundance as in the past, and if you didn't grab any by the first week of October, you were pretty much SOL. My local Walmart locations elected to not even carry them at all this year, which was really surprising. I guess retailers feared having leftover product that they would have to mark down on clearance. I did manage to snag three boxes of Fruit Brute at my nearby Kroger. They're going to have to be rationed out to last as long as possible.

    1. Monster cereal distribution seemed to be sporadic throughout the country. I belong to a cereal Facebook group (NERD!) and people were showing stores stacked ceiling high with monster and other Halloween-themed cereals. I picked up a multipack of the monster cereal at Sam's early (September), but didn't see any individual boxes on the shelves of other local grocery stores until late (last week of October). And I never did come across a box of the Halloween Cap'n Crunch or the Halloween Fruity Pebbles.

    2. my local grocery only seemed to have Chocula, Frankenberry, and Booberry -- i never saw a single Fruit Brute, which is (of course) the one i really wanted. : \

    3. My local store had some Fruit Brute last week still. I'll have to see if it's still there and pick you up a box or 2.

    4. aww, thanks, but that's not necessary. i only remembered because it was mentioned here. i always check for Fruit Brute, but it's not like i've had it in ages -- let alone any of the other Monster flavors.

    5. I will say they changed the flavor from lime to cherry for this release. Normally, I'm down with cherry flavored things, but I wasn't too impressed with this release of Fruit Brute.

    6. cherry? blargh. too bad -- fake cherry stuff never tastes right.
