Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Halloween 2022 Post-Mortem

Welcome to November 1st, or as I like to call it, October 32nd.

Normally, I use this post to visit some of my stats over the past month.  But it appears Google's stats are either on the fritz, or they haven't updated them for October yet.  And also, let's be frank; blogging is a dying form and there are less and less page visits as the years pass.

But this blog has never been about page visits.  I do this for myself.  It's an outlet for my never-realized career in writing.  Plus, as I've said in the past, I find it easier to let go of things once I write about them.  This has prevented me from ending up on one of those hoarder shows.

I will take this opportunity to thank those that continue to support my blog through visits and comments.  There are my usual dependable staples (the usual suspects in no particular order) like Lady M, Caffeinated Joe, Top Cat James (always quick with a joke or to light up your smoke), Dex, FrankO, Deadpan Flook, and PhillyRadioGeek.  We also had some repeat customers that stop by and comment on occasion. Thanks to Alexis Skrull, Erik and JohnONeill0505. We also had a few new guests come by. Thanks to The Billman and  MLW33 for seeking out/stumbling onto the blog.

And finally thanks go out to Dex (already mentioned) and Michelle AKA Naila Moon (who also dropped by) for taking on the task of running The Countdown again this year.

I churned out 41 posts this year, just a couple shy of my record. Not all of them were winners, maybe none of them were, but I hope some enjoyed all and all enjoyed some.

Here's to Halloween 2023. Onwards and upwards!


  1. I enjoyed them all, so thanks for adding to my October enjoyment. And yes, always do it for yourself.

  2. i always enjoy them all, too. like your blog in general, you find great things, write great things about them, and it's always fun to read about them. win/win! thanks as always for taking all the time it must take to keep things running around here.

    1. Thanks, FrankO! It does take time to put these together, which is probably why I'm pretty lax the remainder of the year. I set that daily goal during Halloween, so it's a challenge, but I'm happy with the end product, so it gives me some satisfaction.

  3. Thank you for the shoutout Tom! Always blog for yourself; if others enjoy the ride too, that's awesome, but never fault yourself for having a creative outlet.

    My blog takes the place of my dreamed about but never materialized broadcastig career. My blog is my TV network, my radio station!

    Happy Halloween!

    1. You're welcome, Philly. Here's to unrealized careers and comfortable acceptance.

  4. Thanks for all the great articles. I love every one

    1. Thanks for saying so Chris, and thanks for stopping by!

  5. Hee hee - I will accept the title of "dependable staple". Blogger is definitely dying - so many great people have left the platform. But unlike other social media, I love the way it is mine without any feed or noise cluttering it up. I also feel that the relationships I have other bloggers are far more interesting that the usual likes on Instagram or Facebook so I will keep the doors of the Haunted Parlor open. Glad to hear your blog keeps you from becoming a hoarder. I find those shows fascinating and yet so depressing. Great posts this year - I really enjoyed reading them.

    1. Thanks, Lady M. I always look forward to your posts too, especially the skeleton decorations in your town and the coffin races. Always fun.
      I agree, blogger has a much more intimate feel and definitely a better forum for my posts than on Facebook.
      I used to watch the Hoarder shows, but they tend to frustrate me. It seems like the person never really changes and you know they'll be back in the same situation. I saw myself headed in that direction (of course I never got to those levels seen on the show by any means) and adjusted what I keep. This blog definitely helps me to let things go and move on to the next owner. Hopefully, Google keeps blogger going and doesn't shutter like Yahoo Groups did.

  6. We are definitely becoming a rare breed but I agree with others that it's a more focused than the barrage of what you see on other platforms and how sometimes you may not even see a friendly post depending on how the algorithm feels that day.

  7. I didnt get around to reading a lot of stuff until a bit later this year, due to annoying illnesses, but I always love seeing what you and the others have to show! And hey, maybe now Twitter seems to be dying, people might have more time to spend reading blogs! I'll always be having a peek at your posts nevertheless!

    1. Yeah, Facebook too seems to be falling out of favor and losing a lot of members, although I still use it to keep in touch with people I've met through groups. Youtube seems to be the thing with vlogs these days, and I've considered starting a vlog, but honestly, I'm not comfortable on video and filming at garage and estate sales leads to all kinds of legal issues (though there are a lot of people that do it).

    2. well, FB fell out of favor ages ago, now Twitter is also going through a huge upheaval. you're right it's all about video, with Youtube and TikTok ruling the roost. i watch waaaay too much Youtube stuff, probably, but it's also entertaining and educational. I totally understand your reluctance to be on camera yourself, and the legal issues around filming at estate sales is certainly something to consider -- although i recently realized the staggering amount of thrifting channels there are out there, where people just film their thrift store shopping and comment on the stuff they've found and (usually) resell. i'm just never comfortable on camera like that, and also it's a LOT of work to maintain a video channel too, i'm sure. who has time for that?? not me.

    3. I'm regular watcher of a lot of the thrifting and reselling channels myself. I do enjoy them, and I have considered doing something similar, but again for the reasons I mentioned I doubt I will. And yes, time is a major factor in that decision too.

  8. It takes a lot of commitment to consistently post on a blog. keep up the good work! I like the concept and title of your blog so find myself checking in from time to time. Thanks for the hard work!

    1. Thanks, Larry. It does take a lot of commitment to keep the content flowing at a regular pace, something I fail to do. I'm glad you enjoy the blog. Thanks for stopping by!
