Monday, October 24, 2022

Bucketful of Boos

There's been a lot of buzz in the Halloween community for the past few weeks about the re-release of the McDonald's Halloween Boo Buckets, particularly among millelenials who remember these from their childhood.

I previously posted about the earlier 1980's version of these buckets.  Since then, I've acquired some of the later series from the late 80's, early 90's and even up to the early 2000's.  Again, these don't do much for me as they were past my Halloween prime, but the kids like them.  "The Kids" being in their late 30's and early 40's now.

My daughter wanted one of the new Boo Buckets, so we went on the first day they were available.  I noticed they were much more cheaply made than the originals and had a faux top and thin piece of cardboard rather than a real lid.

There's been a bit of a frenzy in getting the new buckets and as expected, many people are buying them simply to flip on eBay.  To them I say, "Booooooo....".


  1. I got one, or four (everyone here wanted one) and they were all the white ghost bucket. Definitely a cheaper version. Haven't been motivated to search out the other two.

    1. Yeah, we haven't sought out any more either. The Ghost bucket was all they had at ours too.

  2. I saw a high school kid walking with one the other day and I wondered about it. But the mystery is solved thanks to your blog.

    1. And they would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for my nosey blog and my dumb dog.
