Monday, October 24, 2022

Halloween is Hallowed

As this is the last week leading up to Halloween, I thought I'd throw some additional random content out here for things that didn't warrant a lot of commentary or discussion or are just odd or weird one-offs.

At first I thought this pamphlet was going to be a religious tyrade against Halloween. 

Turns out, it's just a little gospel spreading.
I believe this and the bag below were found at the same estate sale. I'm guessing the bag held some candy and the above pamphlet inserted.  I'm not sure if the familyl I bought it from was handing out or receiving.  There were several bags in the lot, so I suspect handing out.
I recall Trick or Treating at one of our pastor's homes one Halloween and even he handed out a cool little toy/candy combination similar to below, although mine was a scarecrow from what I recall.

I'm not anti-religious by any means. I was raised Catholic and attended church every Sunday and day of obligation.  But I would have hated to get something like that pamphlet in my Trick or Treat bag as much as I would a toothbrush.  Halloween is about candy and fun. Leave Halloween to Halloween.


  1. Imagine getting a Jack Chick tract plopped in your bag ("Oh boy! A little comic book! [flips through it] AWWWW!!").

    1. Oh man, Top Cat! I don't think I've ever heard of Jack Chick, but Googling it, I have an appreciation for your experience and feel your pain.

    2. i collect Jack Chick tracts! they are getting harder and harder to find, but i actually found one recently, and the text had been updated to reflect more current things. Chick died a decade or more ago, so i don't know who's still printing them, but somebody is. anyway, i agree -- let halloween be halloween, leave the proselytizing out of it.

    3. No, this didn't happen to me, but that would have been my reaction.

      I don't see them too much anymore, either. My guess as to why is that they're so over the top and outrageous that only the truly fanatical would take them seriously.

      I would love to see a Chick biofilm--If we could get the "good" Tim Burton back, he would be a natural to helm it.

    4. you know -- why *hasn't* someone put out a biofilm about that guy? they seem to make them about anyone and everyone now, why not him? he's got to be incredibly quirky and interesting as far as subjects go, even setting aside his proselytizing comic empire.

  2. Well I am a complete heathen and always have been so I would have enjoyed the pamphlet just to mock it with my heathen siblings. Our mother tried to make us Catholics but it not a success. I do recall getting a mini tootsie roll from one house with a bible verse attached. Must have taken them ages.

    1. The fact that they had to unwrap and rewrap the Tootsie Roll gives that story extra "Ew...."

  3. I hated getting these stupid things as a kid. Probably another brick in the anti-religious path my brain took.
