Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Cat Blow Mold

I found this little blow-molded black cat and Jack O'Lantern over the summer.  It's only about 6" tall and isn't lighted, so not the typical Halloween blow mold we're used to. I can see this being sold in a dimestore in the '70's and maybe set on someone's desk as Fall/Halloween decoration.

The back features a small cornucopia minus the horn, so I guess just copia.

The sloppy paint job on the cat gives the impression the pumpkin is slowly engulfing and absorbing the cat which could explain the cat's expression.


  1. The cat looks terrified and the pumpkin looks delighted in his absorption of the cast. Cute and chilling at the same time--THAT's Halloween!

  2. Cute and pretty detailed for such a thing.

  3. Love that - the veggies on the back are so unique as is that cats expression. What a super find - you are convincing me to start garagesalin.

  4. i really love the cat on this one. adorable!
