Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Wanda Witch Flashlight

I found this "Wanda" witch flashlight at a garage sale last October along with quite a few other vintage 1980's Halloween items.  The seller assured us she'd be selling vintage Christmas items the following month in another garage sale, but alas, that never happened.

The body of the witch lights up and it also projects a thin beam.  I'm not sure how helpful the beam would be, but I guess the intent is, and glow is enough, to alert cars that there's a kid around Trick or Treating.

I've found an example of this same design as a dedicated blow mold.

I call her "Wanda" because I've seen a couple auctions on eBay calling here that, but I'm not sure if that's officially her name.  Googling "Wanda Witch" brings up way too many Marvel Comic character references to allow me to confirm.  I'm also unsure of the manufacturer, but it has the look and feel of  a Blinky product.


  1. i love the style of her. sort of like Witch Hazel, but not.

  2. Very cute! Looks like a piece tied-in to the late 70's special Witch's Night Out!
