Thursday, December 22, 2022

Always on My Tree

I don't know why I'm compelled to save what I call "Misfit Memories" (memories no one wanted), but I do.

Maybe it's the thought that something meant so much to someone at one time, only to be forgotten or lost when they pass.

This mish-mash of paper and tinsel is no exception. I found them wrapped up in a bag this past summer.

The were accompanied by two notes.

These always on my tree 1904
These are very old decorations used as long as Grandma Shide(?) had a tree. They were always on my tree. The little girl with red coat was called little Mary.  Mom.

I'm not sure if the same person wrote both notes, or the first note was from Grandma Shide(?).

Grandma Shide's ornaments now hang again on my tree in 2022.

My wife created a collage with the remaining pieces.

Nearly 120 years later, and I'm now their keeper.  Who will keep them when I'm gone?


  1. Don't know -perhaps someone will find them in your estate sale.

    1. And as I always say, it's going to be one heck of an estate sale; one I'd want to go to!

  2. i was thinking "those gotta be haunted!" until i read the note, and now i think they are sweet, and that it's so nice of you to carry on the tradition. side note: they look ACTUALLY Victorian, and if that note was written in 1904, it's very well that that could be, don't you think? goodness gracious, those are incredible!

    1. I agree. In fact, one of the pieces has a copyright date of 1898, so late Victorian at least.

  3. Dude, that is so very sweet and sentimental. I love that you and your wife saved them and carried them on. I often have the same thought about things, or buildings, houses. They were once important, held meaning and life. And then slipped away from those that knew them. So cool that you held some up from obscurity. Heartwarming, to me. Happy Holidays, Tom and Mrs. Tom.

  4. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours, Joe!
