Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Child World/Children's Palace Video Toy Chest

I don't normally pick up VHS tapes at garage or estate sales unless the content is unusual or unavailable in other formats.  This tape meets both qualifications.

This "Child World/Children's Palace Video Presents Toy Chest A Toy Catalog on Videotape" (phew, that's a mouthful) dates about a decade after my toy shopping window, but provides a window into the waning days of the 80's and all that implies, which is mainly bad hair.

Children's Palace was a rival of Toys R Us in the 70's and 80's and its stores were known as Child World in Canada.

Full of bad acting, bad jokes, laughable rapping and a soundtrack straight out of "Parker Lewis Can't Lose" I give you a look into the toys of 1990. Side note, I had to set the video to "Made for Children" since technically it was, although you'd be hard-pressed to find a kid these days that would be interested in watching it.  Comments in the video are disabled for this reason, so feel free to make comments here.


  1. I expect Barney to start singing any minute.

  2. Oh my, this is all...horrible. My fave moments were the guy in drag - for no discernible reason - performing lame SNL impressions (the Billy Crystal "Fernando" bit would have been old hat even back then).. And wouldn't it be fun to show the "Mall Madness" commercial to today's young generation and watch their heads explode?

    1. I thought the same thing about the drag "Fernando": why? Were they planning some other bit where he would do his "granny" impersonation and just threw up their hands and said, "Just do that Billy Crystal Fernando thing..." And yes, "Mall Madness", like so many things from the 80's, would make no sense to today's generation.
      Merry Christmas, Top Cat!
