Thursday, October 12, 2023

Candy Containers

I've previously found an orange version of this candy container.  I found this green version at the big Halloween collector estate sale this past year.  It's possible these are made by Rosbro, but I'm not positive.  They probably date from the 1970's.
This one contained a gumball prize (foot charm). I'm not sure if it was original to the container, but later finds suggest it may have been.Then at the bus driver's sale, I found a couple more.  First, this skull:
It contained a bag of Sweet Tart/Smarties type candies an a toy.
The toy appears to be a rooster on wheels.  Don't ask me to explain why.
At the second day of the bus driver sale, I found this witch head I'd missed the previous day, buried in a box of other holiday decorations.
I contained a miniature motorcycle and a single witch/werewolf fingernail. 
The motorcycle is a miniature of a common carnival prize (of which I have 3 samples).  Here's one:

I "won" a motorcycle like that at a carnival as a kid (probably in the Duck Pond).  I forced my pet mouse to sit on it a la "Runaway Ralph".

At the same sale, I found this witch and Jack O' Lantern candy container.  I'm not sure of the date or manufacturer on these, but I would guess 1970's or '80's.
The still have a powdered candy in them. I'm assuming it's similar to Pixie Dust.  And yes, I did sample them.  They had no flavor or tartness whatsoever.  

 Hopefully the candy wasn't replaced by any drugs.  No hallucinations yet.


  1. i remember those ones that held the Pixie Dust for sure. Love that last blue witch head -- it comes off as the creepiest. great little collection here. Any idea if you have them all, or if you are missing some, what they are? (Frankenstein Monster head? Vampire? Mummy? Wolf Man? I can imagine several kinds...)

    Speaking of monsters, you had mentioned the Monster cereals recently -- i noticed this week that we have them in our regular store, but there's a new one? i can't recall what the character was... some female ghoul, or something? We only had the other obvious three -- Frankenberry, Chocula, and Boo Berry... no Fruit Brute or Yummy Mummy, alas.

    1. I've only seen the witch and now the skull in those plastic capsule containers. Aside from my posts, the only other one I see is on eBay and the seller attributes to Rosbro, but I don't see that anywhere else. Consequently, it's hard to say what different heads were produced.
      I picked up the set of monster cereals in August at Sam's, but just opened this past week. The new monster is Carmella Creeper. Cereal is supposed to taste like caramel apples. Jury is still out on that. No Fruit Brute or Yummy Mummy this year, but they do have a Monster Re-Mix cereal which isn't bad.

    2. Carmella Creeper - yes! If they still have them next time we go shopping, i'll see about picking up one and trying it. I'm more of a Cap'n Horatio Magellan Crunch guy, but i can step out once in awhile.

    3. There's a Halloween version of Cap'n Crunch as well. Turns the milk green. My pantry is filled with Halloween cereals. I'll be eating them well into next year.

    4. there is? dang, now i gotta go look for that.

  2. Definitely remember those sherbet-filled witch and pumpkin heads from my 80s childhood! I can almost taste the sickly sweetness!

  3. Yet!

    Those are cool, though. Fun little pieces.
