Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Shaker Maker Hairy Bunch

Happy Halloween all!

I can't believe how fast this season has gone.  It's been a very busy October for me and I felt like I barely kept up on these posts, usually finding myself creating them in a rush on the night before.  

But it's day 31 and I made it.  Today's offering is a find from this past summer.  Ideal's Shaker Maker from the days when crafts were a hot item for kids, specifically 1972.

Shaker Maker is essentially plaster mix, a mixing cup and some molds. The art is really the selling point on these.  I love the "haunted house" artwork on the front.

It came with an assortment of accessories, hair, and paint to decorate with.

Some conscientious parent had thought ahead to buy extra Shaker Refills. Unfortunately, the kid must have lost interest before using them all.

Figures made by the original owner were still present.

Each mold had a name.  "Oswald" (chimpanzee? gorilla?)  came out a little rough.

"Kreegle" came out better, but is missing his hair.

"Henrietta" the witch came out the best, I think.

There was no casting of "Barney" the cave man.  I could make my own, if the plaster has held up.

Ideal had a variety of Shaker Makers, including licensed characters.

A Munsters licensed set would have been cool.

They continued to be made into the 90's as evidenced by this later box.



  1. Happy Nevada Day, Tom! Why don't i remember these? That witch really did come out the best. They are all great, though. I would've loved these when i was a kid! I know I definitely wanted the Shrunken Head kit, where you use an apple for the head, but my mom wouldn't get it for me.

    1. I never asked for it, but the Shrunken Head kit with Vincent Price on the box lid always fascinated me too. Parents. Always so sensible.

  2. Never knew these even existed! Very cool find. Even those old sculpts are cool.

    🎃👻🦇 Happy Halloween! 🎃👻🦇
