Monday, October 30, 2023

Home Haunts 2023

Carrying on a tradition I started last year, I took some photos of home haunts I came across while out garage saling.  I didn't see as many as last year, but I also didn't haunt the usual neighborhoods this year.

First up, I give the garage sale host props for putting together such a great sign.  But, spoiler alert, it wasn't a killer sale.  Just clothes.

This home haunt host assured me it looked better at night.  I never made it back to see, so I'll have to take his word.

These giant skeletons have been all the rage the past couple years. I'm sure you have some in your neighborhood.

Another giant skeleton along with regular size skeletons.  I loved the setting for this with the stone wall.

This home owner put quite a bit of effort into this display. I particularly like the ghouls looking out the second story windows and the floating girl in the front yard.

And that's it. I told you I didn't get many shots.

How are haunts looking in your neighborhood?


  1. Those are cool. I have seen the giant skeletons, as well as a giant werewolf. A few yards have looked great, most I see are simpler, though. We have a bunch of tombstones that continually fall over. LOL

  2. those giant skeletons really are everywhere. i think they are ok. the houses in my neighborhood just do more traditional things, as far as i know -- i've never seen anyone go all out. But over the weekend we were at a party in another part of town, and there's a house in that neighborhood that was REALLY decked out. i think i saw a news story that it's in the running for some nation-wide "haunted house" decorating reality show, or something (is that a thing??). Anyway, it looked like a Disney attraction, with so many lights, things moving, projection stuff, fog... it was amazing.

    1. Yeah, there's a show (I think on NBC) where they have a contest. I'd watch it, but I forget about it every year since I never watch network tv.

    2. yeah, we never do either, that's why it was news to me. i think i saw a mention of it on a local reddit thread. the house was cool, but it also reminds me of Snoopy's over-the-top decorations in the Charlie Brown Christmas special. it makes my inner Chuck Brown kinda sigh sometimes.
