Thursday, August 1, 2024

Planes, Sleighs and Automobiles (Sorry, No Trains)

Well, the last time I posted, Summer was just about to begin, now it's already in its final 1/3.  Time gets away from me these days.  I thought I'd try to make up for the lack of posts with a deluge of photos from the same lot as my last post.  First up is this 1930s American Airlines DC-3 "Flagship".
Here's a closeup:

Can you imagine the excitement when the plane below made an (emergency?) landing right on the road?  People came from miles around.

Another closeup:

Sleighs were already outdated by the 1930s, but I'm sure still in regular use in rural areas.  The back of this photo was labeled "Pacific Street, South of the Hospital".  I believe the photo was taken in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.  I've looked on a map and found Pacific Street, but no hospitals in proximity.

Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh

I believe the next 3 photos are of the same gentleman and possibly the same woman.  The first photo is labeled "Francis 1934".

At the Shell station

Hyde Park was a local St. Louis beer brewer.

I wish I could read what is written on this car.  "23-skiddoo"?  "O U Kid"?

I'd love to know what Majestic Radio was.  Below it says "Suedekum & Son Cape Girardeau".  Possibly, it was a radio dealer or repair.  The license plate is dated 1929.

This guy looks like he's daring you to say something about his truck.  I just noticed, there's a little boy peeping his head above the door.

I'll be back with more photos.  I know, the anticipation is more than you can stand.


  1. i'm stretching based on location, but i really want that car door behind those guys maybe say "Budweiser" -- but the spacing doesn't work out.

    1. I see where you're getting that, but yeah, hard to say.


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