Tuesday, February 27, 2024

What was on TV February 27th through March 5th, 1982

This week's TV Guide is yet another example of that bothersome mailing label.  Sorry, Pamela Sue Martin.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Pirates of the Harried Being

You may have noticed a slight deluge of posts lately.  Okay, maybe "deluge" is a bit strong.  Let's say a slight swelling of posts.  The reason is, I've been going through my blog drafts; those posts I began writing and abandoned for one reason or another, usually because after I began writing them, I deemed them not interesting enough to post.  And hey, here's one of them!  By the way, I have no idea what that title means.  I wrote it way back in 2020 and probably just liked the way it sounded and the wordplay on "Pirates of the Caribbean". I'm not changing it.

I had a next door neighbor who was a few years younger than me when I was a kid.  He was probably only 4 years younger, but when you're 12 and he's 8, that's a lot. But he had a lot of cool toys, so I did spend some time visiting him just to get the chance to play with toys I didn't have. I've previously written about the Weebles Haunted House he had.

One day, I noticed he had a small pirate bank in his bedroom.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Pockets of Fun

Pardon me if my age shows while I switch into "kids these days" mode. 

It seems the sole source of entertainment for kids these days (see, I told you) are video games.  Sure, they come in a variety of platforms, but they're still video games.  Pre-Atari, I didn't have much exposure to video games.  But there were variety of options for game play I could choose; board games, cards, outdoor physical *gasp* games, and early electronic games.  And for a brief time in the late 1970's mixed among those other choices was a line of mechanical pocket games made by Tomy and other companies.

I remember going through bins of these at a local store as a kid, trying to decide which held the most fun and game play.

I found a couple of these this past summer. I had this Jackpot game in yellow.  Pull the lever, let it spin, push to button to stop the reels on a dime.  Of course, nothing ever dispensed for hitting the jackpot, but it felt great just the same.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Scholastic Memories

 I've written before of my fond memories of Scholastic Books and the two magical days in school: when the Scholastic Book Club order form would arrive and the day the books you ordered arrived.

I recently found a few more of these flyers.

Arrow Book Clubs was a division of Scholastic Books. These books were aimed at 4th through 6th graders.  There was also the T.A.B. Book Club (Teen-age Books) that were aimed at older students.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Be Mine

I hope everyone's wearing their neck brace, because we're going from Halloween to a head-snapping Valentine's Day post.  Somehow, Thanksgiving and Christmas was lost in the shuffle.  

Truth is, I'm always burned out after 31 days of Halloween posting.  So I'll try to kick-start things with this post of Valentine's I found in the past year.

The majority of these came from a garage sale where I waited patiently as another person ahead of me cherry-picked the best of the lot.  After going for seconds, I saw the first person return and put back the Valentine's they had chosen, so I quickly grabbed those as well.

Most of these Valentine's date from the 1930's through the 50's.  Some are German made, others USA.  There's even a Canadian-made one.

Happy Valentine's Day and enjoy!