Friday, September 27, 2024

The Toast

September 27th.  Almost October. Enough time for one more toaster. One more toaster before October. Just to keep our bread warm.

This is a pre-1920 Beardsley & Wolcott toaster.  It's a somewhat unusual design in that the toast drops in the top and then falls out the bottom once toasted.  One slice only.

It's ornate design is a giveaway that's an very early toaster.  They were considered a luxury.

The timer is a clockwork mechanism and controls how long the flap that holds the toast in place stays closed.

Someone initialed the bottom "H.R."  I'm not sure if the owner did that or if it was possibly a factory inspector.

I'm baffled at what the "ORF" used to say before they punched out the crumb holes.

The results are a little uneven as the bread lies closer to one side than the other.

And if you puzzled at my introduction at the top, it's a play on the opening of "The Fog". Just to get us in the mood.  Stay tuned for the Countdown to Halloween starting in a scant 3 days!

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