Sunday, October 6, 2024

Bewitching Goodness

I collect vintage newspapers and estate sales are a good source of them.  People tended to save the newspapers from important historical events, typically the Kennedy assassination and following weeks or the Apollo 11 moon mission and landing.  Every once in a while, I'll find some from Pearl Harbor or even earlier.

I found this ad in the October 30th, 1940 edition of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Make Some Noise

After yesterday's reflective and somber post, let's return to some light-hearted Halloween fun.

I found this U.S. Metal Toy Mfg. Co. Halloween noisemaker at an estate sale sitting in a case at checkout.  This is where estate sale companies tend to keep smalls and valuables to head off shoplifting.  While the price for Halloween collectibles has risen considerably at estate sales, it's still possible to find deals and this was one.  I think I paid $10.  The graphics are very nice on this one. It probably dates from the 1950's.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Haunting Memories and Our Own Mortality

The older I get, the more reflective I tend to be at estate sales.  I begin to wonder what my estate sale will be like, if you get my picture.  You try to brush it off as some distant future event, yet the clock continues to tick and the face in the mirror continues to age.

I was at an estate sale over the summer, casually looking through someone's lifetime accumulation, and I came across this mask.  I didn't think too much about it other than it was another vacuform mask to add to my collection.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Gurley Jack O' Lantern

I've posted quite a few Gurley candles (not "Girly", the Gurley Novelty company of Buffalo, New York) over the years here at the blog, the vast majority of them being Halloween-themed.

I haven't come across this one before.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Boo, Dude!

Let's kick off this season's die cut posts with this Beistle I like to call, for obvious reasons, "Boo, Dude!"

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Halloween -- It's My Bag, Big Boy

Welcome to year 11 of the Countdown to Halloween here at Garage Sale Finds.  Just as in previous years, I have no idea what I'm going to post (well, I have an inkling, but you know...)  And as in previous years, I'm not sure if I'll be able to provide a daily post, but I'll certainly try because, as I've stated in ad nauseam, Halloween is my bag.

This year's bag comes to us from a distance. Not a great one, but a distance none the less.