Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Mid Century Home Builders Calendar, 1954

This is the other calendar I found at the same sale as this calendar I blogged way back in April.  This one dates 10 years prior to that one but features some great looking homes.  I'm partial to September with March a close second.  The way the days line up, I could have used this calendar for 2016 if not for that pesky Leap Year we're observing this coming year.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Trimming Out Christmas

I know, I know.  Christmas is over.  But I came across this and just couldn't wait another year to share the awesomeness.  **Disclaimer: My definition of "awesomeness" may not match yours.  From 1970, it's "Christmas with all the trimmings".

Friday, December 25, 2015

Days of Santa - Harold Gale

Before last year, I'd never heard the name "Harold Gale", but now I consider myself to be a champion of his Santa Clauses and somewhat knowledgeable at recognizing them.

The first time I encountered a Harold Gale Santa Claus was at a garage sale last year when I bought a motorized store display.  I blogged about it here.

I found this all white one about a month ago.  I would guess he dates from the 1950's.

We Three Kings

This collection of Magi-themed Christmas cards were all part of a collection I bought from a sale this past summer.

A Merry Christmas to all.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Santa Claus Mica Snow Flakes

I would guess this box of Mica chip snow flakes dates from the 1950's.  I liked the graphics.  Either the previous owner didn't use much of the flakes, or they meticulously picked them up year after year and put them back into the box.

Pictures 1965

I present you the "Pitcures" section of the December 12th, 1965 edition of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.  Enjoy.

Days of Santa - Christmas Wishes for You!

This fold-open Christmas card probably dates from the 1940's or '50's.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Island of Misfit Christmas Decorations

Here are a few Christmas decorations I picked up last year that didn't make the cut for a permanent place of home decoration. Actually, my wife took them out of our decorations and put them by my computer which is essentially the Island of Misfits.

 What is it?  A snowman head on a spiky plastic ball decorated with berries on a stand.  The snowman's expression reveals how he feels about the whole situation.

The disembodied head of Santa impaled on a stake of poinsettia sets the mood for this piece.  His dead eyes stare out blankly.

Take half a Styrofoam ball, add some foil and plastic leaves and tiny pine cones and what do you get? I'll be honest. I have no idea.

Pack O Fun

How much fun can you pack into a Pack O Fun Scrap-Craft magazine?   Well, let's find out.

What was on TV December 19th through 25th, 1970

We're going to take another look at the week of December 19th through the 25th, this time in 1970.  I'm going to let this issue stand on its own for the most part.  The closer we get to Christmas, the less time I have to devote to the blog.  Enjoy!

Days of Santa - A Penny Saved

I found this Santa Claus cast iron bank at the same sale as these postcards.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Days of Santa - Taiwan Junk!

The previous owner of this light (or "lite") strand left his opinion marked on the box.  For some reason he didn't throw them out.  The lights were still in the box and true to his word, they didn't work.  These date from the 1970's.

I love Santa on the UFO.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Cookie Cutter Memories

When I was a child, Christmas wasn't complete without my mom's sugar cookies.  As kids, my sister and I were always allowed to help with cutting them out and applying the sugar.  I always insisted Santa had be colored with red sugar and the Christmas trees with green.

We used a silver set similar to this one I found at a garage sale for $1.

Days of Santa - Legos

This Santa and snowman companion were loose finds at a sale about a month ago.  I'm not sure when they date from.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Pete and Repeat

This past week, I came across this larger version of the elf I posted here.

Days of Santa Day - Dairy Queen Santa Glasses

I recall this design from some glasses my grandparents had when I was little, but I don't believe theirs were marked Dairy Queen.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Days of Santa Day 2 - Signs of Christmas

This home-made painted Santa measures 24" tall by 18" wide.  Painted on a thin sheet of plywood, he's very well done and reflects a talented hand.

What was on TV December 19th through 25th, 1981

Christmastime always presented some of the best TV programming for a kid.  Let's crack the spine of this TV Guide from 1981 and see what was playing.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Christmas 1939

It's time for another visit with our 1939 family.  We see the family playing "spin the child", see their other children play with the Lionel train around the Christmas tree, and meet the latest addition to the family.  Not to mention lots of hats and one of the earliest appearances of what appears to be an aluminum Christmas tree.  In a scene around 3:49 we get to meet the man behind the camera.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Christmas Story

This companion piece to the Halloween Fun in Story is called "A Christmas Story", but no one gets their eye shot out in this one.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Twelve Days of Santa (minus a few) Day 1

I didn't find enough Santas to create a full twelve posts, but I thought I'd start sharing them one by one.

First up is this rubber-faced Santa.  His beard is made from material that reminds me of a dust mop.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Charlie Brown Christmas Record

Christmas isn't complete without a viewing of the classic "A Charlie Brown Christmas" now in it's 50th year of broadcast. Before the days of VHS, much less DVD, you saw it once a year and if you missed it, you were out of luck.  Read-along books filled the long gap between Christmases with this book and record.

Image courtesy Pinterest

Coleco 1980

I found this 1980 Coleco brochure in a box of miscellaneous toys I picked up about a month ago. Where available, I've added the matching commercial.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Have a Hazardless Holiday

I found a set of 8 of these paper placemats at a recent sale.  Produced by the Women's Committee on Safety and the Long Lines Dept of AT&T, they present amusing tableaux for most of the holiday seasons (sorry Valentine's Day). Despite the title and obvious intent, they tell you absolutely nothing about how to keep the holidays safe.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Santa Claus in Toyland

This book is from 1951 and has seen better days, but still some cute (and terrifying) illustrations inside.  There are various wheels to turn and tabs to pull inside for real Christmas action.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Æolian Encounter

Back in 2011, I received a 1920 Singerphone phonograph for free from a local Freecycle group.  It works well, but the condition is a little rough and frankly, it has a fairly large footprint.  So when I saw this smaller phonograph last week at an estate sale marked for $60, I was excited.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Ladies Home Journal, December 1968

It's time once again to explore the world of 1960's advertising and you know what that means?  Yep, sexism, poorly-thought-out food combinations and sculptured carpeting.  Breathe it in folks.  It always goes down smooth.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Santa and his Elves

I found these pieces in a dollar box of Christmas ornaments at an estate sale this summer.  When I took them to the register to pay, the estate sale manager was visibly angry that she'd missed them and wanted to charge more for them.  I think she ended up tacking on 50 cents just so she could feel better.

Santa and the elf here are separate pieces that I thought would look cute staged this way, but given the look on Santa's face, maybe not such a good idea.

And finally, this little elf almost looks like a devil. Maybe he's one of Krampus' helpers.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Toy Story 1939

From the same film as the Turkey Farm Trip, is this fun little piece the original owner entitled "Hi-Ho Silver - Magic Box".  At first I thought it was done with stop motion, but I think it's probably done with wires.  Clearly having fun with one of his children's toys at Christmas of 1939, our home movie producer has the cowboy jump out of the box on his horse and prance around the room.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Merry Christmas and Cowabunga, Dudes!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were a little after my time, but I can appreciate their place in pop culture.  These Christmas cards from 1990 were a garage sale find this past summer.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

When (Fictional) Worlds Collide

I had intended to post the November 1978 issue of Women's Day magazine last month. Unfortunately, I never got a chance to, but I would be remiss if I didn't publish at least this article. It's a guide to building your kids a playset to go with their "spage-age" figures.  Please tell me someone's parents built them this awesome set.