Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Creative Holidays

This Creative Holidays box of index cards from 1974 is chock full of ways to celebrate holidays throughout the year. These appear to be aimed at elementary schools rather than home use.

They seem to cover all the bases.

They're organized by month.

Let's take a look at Halloween.  First we get a little history.

Actually, no one was burned at the stake as witch in the New World. They were hanged or pressed to death.

Next, we have some activities.

From their musical recommendations:

"Symphonie Fantastique"


Actually, it's called "The Witches' Ride" and it's by Engelbart Humperdinck.

"Night on Bald Mountain"

"Danse Macabre"

"The Sorcerer's Apprentice"

I remember making paperbag masks with my sister and running around the house.  It didn't last long, but it was fun.

I hope you enjoyed these suggestions and maybe you can put them to use during your Halloween festivities.


  1. man, that description about trick or treating being because "poor irish people went around begging at doors for food to eat" seems... not cool at all. not sure i believe that origin story at all. but musically, "danse macabre" has always been a personal favorite.

    ....oh, and HUMPERDINK!

  2. "Night on Bald Mountain" and "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" were both used in Disney's Fantasia. Odd that it wasn't mentioned here--I'm sure those two segments would have been available as stand-alone projector films available for school use.

    1. You're right. There is a shocking absence of classroom movie recommendations.

  3. I suppose it’s good that so many different groups were included. Ever knew these were a thing but it makes sense. Quite a find.

  4. Brings back all kinds of memories of Halloween parades in elementary school. Engelbart Humperdink was my Grandmothers favorite. I had no idea he had such diverse talents.

    1. '60s crooner Englebert Humperdink was indeed a man of many talents, including stealing the name of the 19th century composer who wrote 'Witches' Ride!'

    2. Excellent point, Deadpan. That threw me off as well at first.

    3. We have home movies of my sister's elementary school Halloween parade. Unfortunately, it's the year before I would have been able to participate. I don't recall them doing it once I was old enough.

    4. Hee hee - I totally thought that the 1960's crooner wrote that. What a doofus I am.

  5. We always used to have turnip lanterns when I was a kid. It wasn't until fairly recently, maybe the last 30 years or so, that pumpkins overtook turnips as the lantern of choice in Scotland.

    1. Cool, Deadpan! I didn't realize the turnip tradition continued into that recent of time.

  6. My son is a teacher , but I think he’d frown on me getting him a set of these. Times have changed.


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