Thursday, October 31, 2024

Haunting Homes

Happy Mid-Ween, also known as noon on Halloween.

I thought I'd share some home haunts I came across this year while out garage and estate saling.  It was actually pretty scant this year, I was surprised.  So not a lot of photos, but some fun ones.  Some of these aren't very clear as I had to take the photo from the street.  I didn't want to just walk up on someone's lawn or to their porch.

We were behind this one on the way home from an estate sale.  I hope he's hanging on tight.

I'm not sure if these people leave this sign up all year or just for Halloween, but I'm thinking about getting one for myself.  If you can't read it, it says, "Sorry, we're DEAD".

And now for this year's reveal of my decorations.  No big changes, I like what I like.  I've scaled back considerably and my wife no longer lets me climb the ladder, so pumpkins are on the ground instead of the trees.  I bought some new LED lights this year.  So much more compact than the big metal can lights I would hang from the trees.  I made repairs/repaints to all of the tombstones and the columns this year as they're going on 20 years old now.  The skeleton in the stockade somehow managed to lose a leg over the summer.  We had a real howler of a storm last night with high wind, hail and heavy rain, but things are no worse for wear this morning.  Just one skeleton I had to upgright.

If you look closely in the front window, you can see our dog looking out at me. She hates when I do things in the front yard without her.

I use old photos of strangers to add a spooky effect to the mantel.

This clock was a find last year.  I've wanted to do a post on it, but here we are.

This Sleepy Hollow lighted piece is new for this year.  Not a find, but bought at Tractor & Supply of all places.

I always have fun arranging all of my vintage cupcake picks in this mini haystack.

I didn't show this cat this year, but he was a find at the same sale as the others.  He's a little worse for wear, but I like him.

That's it for now.  Enjoy Trick or Treating or whatever you do and I'll post the results of tonight tomorrow.


  1. Wow, bonus post! I was wondering about your yard this year. Looks great as always -- and i think the skeleton missing a leg makes it even better. I think you need to go to that house with the witch in the second photo and ask them where they got that. She needs to be in your collection, too. Oh, and that Sleepy Hollow lighted piece is fantastic!

  2. Great stuff! Love your photos, you do an awesome job decorating. Must be so cool in person. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for all the posts helping us all enjoy Halloween.

  3. PIC #3: I was wondering what became of Guns N' Roses.

  4. Thank you for all your wonderful posts throughout October. I posted a link and some of your photos on my own blog. Thanks again and Happy Halloween!

  5. Sorry, I didn't realize I was commenting anonymously. One more time: Thank you for all your wonderful posts throughout October. I posted a link and some of your photos on my own blog. Thanks again and Happy Halloween!

    1. No problem, Jim, and you're welcome to repost. Thanks for stopping by

  6. All the photos are great. I love them!

    1. Glad you enjoyed, and thanks for stopping by this season!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Todd, you too! Hope to see you around on your blog throughout the year.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you, Musiklover. A Happy New Year to you as well.


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