Sunday, October 2, 2016

Witch's Brew

I wrote previously about the beer can collection I had when I was a kid.  Even though I don't drink beer, I'm still fascinated by the multitude and variations of the cans.  This can caught my eye this past spring.

"Witch's Brew" was a novelty beer released in 1983 by Full Moon Beverage Company.  It was brewed by the Royal Brewing Company who apparently did a lot of novelty beers for universities as well as off-brands for liquor stores.

Though the top is unpopped, the beer has been emptied from the bottom, perhaps drained by the fangs of a vampire.  Oooooooh, scary!


  1. Great can! My brother also had a beer can collection when we were kids. We relied upon my father to drink it!

  2. I have 6 pk in tapped


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