While ephemera is generally considered to be items made from paper, the actual definition is "things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time". I think we can agree balloons fall under this definition.
I found these vintage Halloween balloons at a recent garage sale. Based on their designs, I'd place them no later than the 1970's.
The latex in some of the balloons had hardened to the point where the balloon couldn't be stretched or expanded and therefore, the design couldn't be seen, but I did manage to find a pliable balloon for each design in the pack.

When I was about 4 years old, my brother brought home a bunch of balloons from a local cafeteria where he worked called "Pope's". Some of the balloons had clown faces while others had the face of a young girl. I preferred the clowns. Go figure. Anyway, while blowing up one of the balloons, it popped in my face leaving me with balloon inflation trauma for quite a number of years (I'm still not quite over it). I always hated the sound of popping balloons and was put in an extremely awkward situation at a birthday party in 1st grade when we had to sit on a balloon and pop it to get the number of a gift we would be awarded. I think I finally broke down and asked the hostess to pop it for me. Oh, the shame. But I did get a nice Lone Ranger coloring book out of it. Long story short, given the age of these balloons, I didn't even attempt to blow them up, lest that trauma returns.
i've always wondered if there was a way to re-soften rubber and latex. sometimes i pick up old suitcases and things with rubber on them in thrift stores, and it would be nice to be able to restore them. but i suspect that once they are solid, there's nothing you can do. but back on topic, i love that witch, and the black cat and the jack o'lantern.
ReplyDeletespeaking of which, i'm carving pumpkins this week, and i'm looking for ideas. anyone have anything cool they've run across that isn't too complex?
My kids and I like watching that Outrageous Pumpkins show on HGTV, but talk about complex. For me, the classic Jack O' Lantern says it all. You could do a nod to the classic John Carpenter Halloween jack o' lantern. That one always seemed somewhat disturbing to me. Maybe the way the nose cuts into the mouth. https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_fit,f_auto,fl_lossy,q_auto,w_728/v1555475883/shape/mentalfloss/01_0.png?itok=H8e9G1BO
Deletehmm, i'd never noticed that about the Carpenter pumpkin. that would be a subtle nod, for sure. i've never seen the Outrageous Pumpkin show, but i can imagine. pumpkin carving got WAY out of hand very quickly. i don't mind a challenging carve, but the multi-level ones that require power tools are just too much for me. as it turns out, our pumpkin this year is really tall and vertical. i think i'll punt and recycle one i made years past. i'm sure i've had vertical pumpkins before. who's gonna know?
DeleteWow Tom I hear you. I always hated that sitting on the balloon game too. I thing the dang things hurt when they pop. The designs on these are pretty cool though.
ReplyDeleteThey do sting. The designs are great. I wish I had a better way to scan them.
DeleteThere's only one kind of "balloon" that I'm terrified of popping.
ReplyDeleteOh we know what kind you're talking about, Top Cat.
DeleteSorry for that trauma. It is not a fun noise, for sure. But those look like cool balloons, at least once upon a Halloween.
ReplyDeleteI've gotten over it since, but I still cringe when I see kids overinflating a balloon.